ENYYSA and US Youth Soccer Sanctioned Tournaments
Merrick PAL Travel Soccer teams shall only participate in sanctioned events hosted by USYSA affiliates in good standing within Region I (CT, DE, PA, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT, VA & WV), and registered within ENYYSA. The Long Island Junior Soccer League (LIJSL) is such an organization. For the current sanctioned & approved Eastern New York Youth Soccer Tournament List, please click here.
Teams wishing to travel outside of Nassau County or out of state to ENYYSA sanctioned events must first complete and submit a Nassau County PAL Travel Authorization form (CLICK HERE). Please print out the form, fill out lines 1 thru 6, and email it to:
ATTN: P.O. Kiser
EMAIL: kiserncpal@gmail.com
**NOTE: If traveling to NJ or outside of Region I, team must obtain an “Authorization to Travel” from ENYYSA. This quick and easy process can be completed online through the ENYYSA website at www.enysoccer.com . Email results are provided in minutes, and failure to comply will result in player/team insurance being negated. With the exception of NJ (required), Permission to Travel is not required for sanctioned tournaments within Region I.
Non-Sanctioned Tournaments & Events
Upon prior notification, receipt and approval of completed Nassau County PAL Travel Authorizationform (see above), travel teams may be eligible to participate in non-USYSA hosted events and other non-sanctioned tournaments outside of ENYYSA and USYSA Region I (i.e. US Club Soccer events, premier/select tournaments, etc.). In order for a team to be eligible to participate in one of these “non-sanctioned” events, Travel Authorization form must be properly completed and submitted as instructed above, and received no less than 2-weeks prior to tournament date.
Additionally, if a team is considering attending any USSF affiliate tournament such as US Club, AYSO, SAY and Super Y, the team must complete ENYYSA’s online “Travel Authorization” process regardless of where the team is traveling to. This quick and easy process can be completed online through the ENYYSA website at www.enysoccer.com . Email results are provided in minutes, and failure to comply will result in player/team insurance being negated.
Coaches who are considering registering for a “non-sanctioned” event are asked to please review the following letter from ENYYSA (CLICK HERE).